Summery about the NATO run
More than 2000 runners started ten kilometres running from Attila Street, both in individual and two-persons relays. Participants arrived from 22 countries this year. Minister of Defence, István Simicskó who was chief patron of the event joined to run the 10 kilometres distance. Part of the field comprised from those military teams that were invited by the Ministry of Defence arriving from 13 NATO partner countries. This year first time further new teams representing several Budapest Embassies shaped colorfulness of the event.
Before start of the 10 kilometres NATO RUN heat of the sun could be felt, sun was shining between clouds. All runners of this main category of Running Festival had gathered at Vérmező and were preparing the start. During the time of warm-up we could see a performance by the Hungarian Defence Ministry’s Demolition Experts.
This year one could be joined to the programme of NATO’s gender equality by wearing a special technical T-shirts, supporting crucial importance of female participation in decision-making and in the prevention and resolution of conflicts, peace-building and peacekeeping.
About the results:
The first three winner athletes of the individual man category belonged to Ukrainian team, first of them was Roman Romanenko, winning the gold medal. The same category at women brought Hungarian victory in all three podium places. Hungarian athletes were success in relay as well, winning the first three medal places.
The military teams had separate category, in which the fastest woman was Lilla Böhm, the second Pistilla Alessa from Italy who with this running won the third place in absolute category. At the men the order was the following: Catalin Atanasoalei from Romania, El Otmani Said and Cominotto Manuel from Italy. The Italian military athletes won the gold medal in team on the NATO RUN.
The finishers were received with finisher medal and VIWA Vitamin Water, water by the b’nature, Harcipán energy-bar, Moments chocolate and Runner’s World Magazine. The first six places were awarded by Decathlon Magyarország with gift card.