Interactive roundtable discussion

Roundtable Discussion

The organizers of NATO RUN kindly invites you to a roundtable discussion about NATO’s organization structure, operations and roles. What is the policy of NATO’s priority and value system? If you would like to take part in a common thinking about these issues an interactive discussion will be a good opportunity organized by the Hungarian Youth Atlantic Council. It will be placed in one of the Military History Museum’s rooms during the contest.

The chosen topic are concerned the below: NATO enlargement, missionary tasks and the new challenges of modern time, the future course of NATO.


NATO Run Fans


The NATO Run Fans is the Facebook homepage of NATO Running Festival . Important information related to the contest are shared here. These posts assist to fans in the preparation and to inspire them.

Who are interested in NATO’s tasks in-depth, for example its operations or everyday life, the homepage of the event as well as the Facebook page offer great opportunity to inform about various themes related to NATO.

NATO Run Fans Facebook page:


Photo contest

The NATO Run Fans Facebook page is excited to announce a photo competition entitled “This is how I prepare for the NATO Run”.