A NATO 75. évfordulója

A NATO 2024-ben ünnepli a kollektív védelem 75. évfordulóját.

Magyarország és a NATO

Tudtad, hogy a Time magazin 1956-ban az év embere a magyar szabadságharcos volt?

NATO – Op Update No Ending

Budapesten 3.000 futó indult a 17. évente megrendezésre kerülő NATO Run sporteseményen. A versenyre14 országból érkeztek…

Secretary General: NATO is united in support for Georgia’s security

 NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg welcomed Georgian Prime Minister Mamuka Bakhtadze to NATO Headquarters on Wednesday (18 July 2018)…

Secretary General: NATO is delivering

 The NATO Summit in Brussels wrapped up on Thursday (12 July 2018), following two days of decisions to strengthen the Alliance’s deterrence and defence, step up in the fight against terrorism and ensure fairer burden-sharing among all Allies…

16 NATO Allies and 3 partners agree to acquire land munitions together

 Under the leadership of Belgium, the Defence Ministers of 16 Allies¹ and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia² signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)…

Secretary General welcomes NATO leaders to the Brussels Summit

Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg welcomed Allied Heads of State and Government to NATO Headquarters for the 2018 Brussels Summit on Wednesday (11 July 2018)…

Montenegro joins NATO as 29th Ally

Montenegro became NATO’s newest member on Monday (5 June 2017), upon depositing its instrument of accession to the North Atlantic Treaty with the US State Department in Washington DC. At a ceremony marking the occasion…

NATO leaders agree to do more to fight terrorism and ensure fairer burde sharing

NATO leaders wrapped up a meeting at the new NATO Headquarters in Brussels on Thursday (25 May 2017). This meeting was a strong demonstration of transatlantic unity and resolve…

The NATO Meeting of Heads of State and Government, 24 May 2017, Brussels

Organised by the German Marshall Fund of the United States, with the support of the Atlantic Treaty Association, Egmont Royal Institute, NATO Public Diplomacy Division and Raytheon.